Chalcedon Roundtable Discussion Group
Chalcedon Roundtable Discussion Group
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17)
Too often with the demands of work and business, it is difficult for men to have the opportunity to dialog with other like minded believers. The Chalcedon Roundtable online weekly discussions enable men to interact with each other over the meat of the word for the purpose of applying the Christian faith to all of life. After listening to a selected lecture, questions are posed for discussion. A recording of the discussion is available for those who may not be able to make a particular meeting.
Thursday evenings 7:45 pm Pacific time.
- Participants receive a link to the online meeting.
- Recordings are available after each discussion.
- Participants may submit questions or topics based on the assigned lecture.
Chris Zimmerman for more information

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