Biblical law
The flagship course of the Chalcedon Teacher Training Institute is R.J. Rushdoony’s Institutes of Biblical Law. It is a foundational entry into the understanding of Biblical faith. There is not one aspect of living that is not informed by God’s law-word.
Graduates of this course will acquire a solid foundation in the law of God and its application to every area of life and thought. Upon completion they are more than capable to lead a study or teach students, and thereby be faithful ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

A Christian Survey of World History
The purpose of a study of history is to shape the future. History is God-ordained and presents the great battle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Man. Nothing about history is meaningless—history is always faith and philosophy is action. –This course has served to equip Christians for faith and action for over five decades. It can be used as a stand-alone curriculum, or as a supplement to a study of world History. The course consists of lectures, a full text supporting the lectures, questions for review and discussion, and an answer key.

In His Service
Biblical compassion flows from our having first received the grace of God and then manifesting it to others. Therefore, Biblical charity–which is compassion in action–is personal: it begins with God’s mercy toward us, and then the people of God give expression to that at an individual level. It is in His Service that we understand our calling to charity.
Many want guidance on biblical charity rather than statist charity. This course explores the faithful’s response to a faithful God.

our Course Catalog
The Chalcedon Teacher Training Institute is regularly adding to our course offerings using the books of R. J. Rushdoony as a basis. Work at your own pace or with a group and experience a deepening of your understanding for the Faith for all of Life!
Out of the Question Podcast
Did you know that there is a weekly podcast that explores relevant questions from a biblical world and life view? You can access over 200 episodes here.